There are two different types of committees in the District. Some are district based and others are liaisons to larger committees within the NATA.
Committee openings will be posted for a minimum of 30 days. Interested members should send a letter of interest and resume to the current District Director.
The District 10 BOD will make decisions on district based committees and the following procedure is used for committees that report to the NATA.
1) the committee chair notifies NATA and the district director of the vacancy;
2) the district communicates the opening to its members while the departing committee member recruits for the replacement;
3) interested candidates send a CV and letter of intent to the director;
4) the director reviews the application and sends the top 1-2 candidates to the committee chair;
5) the chair approves one or both candidates;
6) the director makes the final decision.
District 10 Committees
​Hall of Fame/Awards
Christine Mayer
Butte High School
Janelle Handlos
Montana State - Western
Professional Responsibilities in
Athletic Training (PRAT)
​Quiz Bowl Director
​History / Archives
Cari Wood
Research Committee
Scott Landis
Washington State University
LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee
NATA Committees
​NATA Foundation
Visit the District 10 Foundation website
Early Professional Committee
​Career Advancement
Ethnic Diversity
Marisa Manus
Seattle University
Governmental Affairs
Secondary Schools
Denton Norwood
Political Action Committee (NATAPAC)
Committee on Practice Advancement (COPA)
Tom Bair
LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee
​Committee on Professional Ethics (COPE)
Education Advancement Committee (EAC)
Professional Education (PEC)
Cassie Hodgin
Washington State University
Professional Development (PDC)
Emily Norcross
Oregon State University
ATs Care
Nikki Clark-Vega
Go to Committee Page
Post Professional Educ (PPEC)
Connection and Engagement Committee
Erin Guidarelli
Go to Committee Page
NATA Hall of Fame
Ken Kladnick
Go to the NATA Hall of Fame page
Christine Mayer
Butte High School
Student Leadership
Paige Corbin
Washington State University